I'm launching many forums and all I want is quick setup
with all commonly found settings in a good forum and
absolutely safe from spammers since I've least time to
moderate the forum. So I've mentioned here the
important customizations I've done before I make the
forum live. The following steps assume that you're
using the "default" style templates. So if I ever
need to quickly launch another MyBB forum then these steps
would help me to set it up quickly.
Go to
Templates & Style -> Templates -> Template Sets
-> Default Templates->Header Templates->Header
Add: <div class="menu"> <ul>
alt="" title="Go to site Home page"
/>Home</a></li> Note: Green text is
the added one. Also home.gif is new image copied in the
path: images/toplinks More in url:
While registration you most
likely will want to enable following two options:
Those options are set to unchecked by
default during user registration which are present in
Account Preferences which you wanna set. Download this
Registration Checkbox Configuration to set them.
â†'Read the readme.txt
By default it is set to
"Do not
subscribe" but you most likely want to change to
"Instant Email Notification". To do it: Go
to Templates & Styles -> Templates -> Template
Sets -> Default Templates ->Member Templates(expand
it)->member_register->Edit Template Fin the following
<td colspan="2"> <select
id="subscriptionmethod"> <option
<option value="1"
<option value="2"
</select> </td> Change add
selected="selected" to which option you want to
set default:
<td colspan="2"> <select
id="subscriptionmethod"> <option
<option value="1"
<option value="2" selected="selected"
</select> </td>
Google SEO
plugin will change urls to the title of your forum plus
many other features. For a noob like me check this on
"Enable Google SEO URLs" . Leave everything else
as defaults. Mind you - you need to read the documentation as for best results you'll need to copy paste robots.txt and httaccess.example file that comes along with it. Also enable the Sitemap generation option so that your forum will keep getting much quicker than if you choose not to enable it.
page manager
plugin and very easily create a custom page. While in Page
Manager configuration page just select/fill the first three
options/textboxes. Don't forget to set
Use MyBB
Template? to Yes. This will add the MyBB header in your
page. Now add the html code and then press "Save &
return to Listing". Now click "Page Manager"
in the left menu, then it'll show the url at which you
can see this page. Use this url anywhere you want.
The add this page link in the forum rules icon in the
top of your forum along with Home, Search etc. For this go
to Templates & Style -> Templates -> Template
Sets -> Default Templates -> header. I've added
line as in red.
<div id="container">
<a name="top" id="top"></a>
<div id="header">
<div class="logo"><a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/index.php"><img src="{$theme['logo']}" alt="{$mybb->settings['bbname']}" title="{$mybb->settings['bbname']}" /> <span id="logotext"> {$mybb->settings['bbname']} </span> </a></div>
<div class="menu">
<li><a href="{$mybb->settings['homeurl']}"><img src="{$theme['imgdir']}/toplinks/home.gif" alt="" title="Go to site Home page" />Home</a></li>
<li><a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/search.php"><img src="{$theme['imgdir']}/toplinks/search.gif" alt="" title="" />{$lang->toplinks_search}</a></li>
<li><a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/memberlist.php"><img src="{$theme['imgdir']}/toplinks/memberlist.gif" alt="" title="" />{$lang->toplinks_memberlist}</a></li>
<li><a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/calendar.php"><img src="{$theme['imgdir']}/toplinks/calendar.gif" alt="" title="" />{$lang->toplinks_calendar}</a></li>
alt="" title="Click to
read this forum's usage rules"
<li><a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/misc.php?action=help"><img src="{$theme['imgdir']}/toplinks/help.gif" alt="" title="" />{$lang->toplinks_help}</a></li>
If you wanna add the text like this
in the footer:
Sitemap |
Terms of
Use |
Policy |
About Us |
Us then these are the steps: Go to Templates &
Style -> Templates(on the left) -> Template Sets->
Default Templates. Click on the Footer Templates, now it
expands and then click "footer". Here is my final
<hr class="hidden" /> <div
auto"> <div >{$mybb->settings['homename']}
$copy_year(©). All rights reserved. <br />
| <a
of Use</a> | <a
Policy</a> | <a
Us</a> | <a
Us</a> <br /> </div>
<!-- MyBB is free software developed and maintained by a
volunteer community. It would be much appreciated by the
MyBB Group if you left the full copyright and "powered
by" notice intact, to show your support for MyBB. If
you choose to remove or modify the copyright below, you may
be refused support on the MyBB Community Forums. This is
free software, support us and we'll support you. -->
<br />{$lang->powered_by} <a
target="_blank">MyBB</a><br />
<!-- End powered by --> <br /> <br
class="clear" /> <!-- The following piece
of code allows MyBB to run scheduled tasks. DO NOT REMOVE
-->{$task_image}<!-- End task image code -->
{$auto_dst_detection} </div> </div> Change
the settings in the green to your requirement.
Following steps are copied from
thread Make a favicon.ico from here:
and upload this to your root of your forum. Now Go to: ACP
> Templates &Styles ->Templates > Default
Templates->Template Set->Ungrouped Templates >
headerinclude > and find;
and add the following code just after that;
<link rel="shortcut icon"
href="favicon.ico" />
I used this for my localhost:
cookiedomain: empty cookiepath:/ This may be wrong settings
but this even worked on the live site too. One person has
even contributed a
to find those settings automatically. Just keyin the url.
In your Styles
and Templates go to Index templates then click Index. Below
<title> tags and above {$headerinclude} add these two
name="Keywords" content="Your
keywords" > <meta name="Description"
content="Your description" >
Please read this blog to find
anti-spam techniques .
editing of one's own post after some fixed time - say
600 minutes. For this go to
Configuration>Settings>Posting>Edit Time Limit
Unfortunately we can't specify any time
limit after which to disallow deletion of posts/threads.
May be mod is needed but I could now find in search. All I
could find is to disallow users to delete one's own
posts and threads altogether: ACP>users and
groups>Groups>Edit User Group>Forum and
Posts>Editing/Deleting Options Now uncheck "Can
delete own posts" and "Can delete own
threads". Here is the related
If it is a new forum, then it takes days to
get a post. You must be impatient and may be checking many
times daily. But
here is the
extension which can come to rescue to impatient person
like you.
In MyBB threads, the thread title
isn't in H1 by default, you may not be aware of. For
best SEO guidelines it should be wrapped in H1. Click the
above link to see the thread. In short go to Go to Admin CP
> Templates & Style > Templates > Your
Template Set > Show Thread Templates > showthread.
and replace it with:
This feature come on by default in PHPBB. It is a
nuisance in new forums that spammers create account only to
put links in their profile. If they are not visible to
Guests then it won't be visible to Search Engines too.
Spammers will find no use in your forum!
You add the analytics code in the footer template.
is a plugin too.
To add in the footer template go to : ACP =>
Templates & Style => Templates => Expand your
Theme Template Set => Footer Templates => Footer.
Here is the thread.
site provides easy configuration for adding analytics
code in your forum as a subdomain.
Use this plugin to show latest stats in the top of your
forum. It adds lot of dynamism to your forum. For new
starters it is must.
You can either replace the /images/logo.gif file with
your own, or visit AdminCP -> Themes -> Modify ->
<select theme> -> Board Logo
I hope you've created custom MyBB codes for Dofollow
and Nofollow as specified in this
In that case go to each pattern and change the site name
if you're working on replica of another site:
I could not find any good mod to add those and I did myself. Here is what I did to add
Facebook/Google Plus likes.
There are
many options/plugins to add the ads.
My advertisements is nice and it allows you to add ads even within posts. Also read about how to
show ads inside the first post only. For those using Adsense to adhere to their policies, I think easiest would be to add ad below the first ad using My Advertisements and then within the first post using postad-lite plugin as described.
Occasionally you'll find some mischievous person sending mass PM's to your members just about anything. And it happened with my forum when he/she send PM's to all of members. Fortunately we've
this plugin and just set 2-3 as maximum PM's can be sent in a day.
Just go to Templates& Style->Default Templates->Forum Display Templates->forumdisplay change this line:
<title>{$mybb->settings['bbname']} - {$foruminfo['name']} </title>
<title>{$foruminfo['name']} - {$mybb->settings['bbname']}</title>
Read disabling lite archive mode